مجموعة Prins حول العالم

اختر القارة واكتشف المزيد من المشاريع

مشاريع في أوروبا

Project Kwekerij Grootscholten – The Netherlands



Potted plants

Kwekerij Grootscholten, a family business, has been growing high-quality products on Van Buerenlaan in Kwinstheul for nearly a century. Known for their extensive range of annual summer blooms and colorful seasonal products, the company has always strived for innovation in both their assortment and operations. In 2022, it was time for expansion; in cooperation with Prins Group, no less than 4 acres of new construction was completed.

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Project Berkhout Plants - The Netherlands



Potted plants

At our neighbors, Berkhout Plants, we have transformed an area of over 14,225 m² into a modern greenhouse for growing potted plants. To ensure optimal growing conditions, we provided a range of advanced facilities.

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Project Raadschelders Varens - The Netherlands


For Raadschelders Varens in De Kwakel, we successfully completed a greenhouse project. Prins Group was responsible for the steel structure, the installation of ventilation systems, screen systems, and facade cladding. By creating a connection between the existing greenhouse and the new one, Raadschelders can fully utilize the new facility.

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Project Plantanious – The Netherlands

Special houseplants
Flowering seasonal products

The installation of the Svensson climate screens was handled by Prins Group. Freek appreciates the collaboration: "Prins Group is a reliable partner. A solid company that communicates well, keeps its promises, arrives on time, and has qualified personnel. We have confidence in their craftsmanship."

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Project SAIA Agrobotics - The Netherlands


We are proud to have collaborated with other GreenV companies, Stolze and Voshol Warmte - Elektrotechniek, to execute the complete greenhouse for SAIA, including, among other things: glass/sandwich greenhouse, screen installations, insect netting, heating, irrigation, electrical systems, and lighting.

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مشروع Maasland - هولندا



Young Plants

في Maasland ، تقوم Prins Group ببناء مشروع دفيئة جديد بما في ذلك دفيئة الحظيرة مع الداخل. يغطي المشروع مساحة 13045 متر مربع. السطح مزود بزجاج منتشر والواجهات بألواح شطيرة. ستقوم Prins أيضًا بتثبيت ثلاث شاشات تركيب وتركيب شاشة سطح السفينة بواجهات مزدوجة الأسطوانة.

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Project H&M Flowerbulbs - The Netherlands


For H&M Flowerbulbs, we partnered with various suppliers to develop an advanced tulip forcing facility. Prins Group was responsible for constructing the greenhouse and installing the shading system, ensuring seamless integration with the other systems in the facility.

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مشروع Honselersdijk - هولندا



Pot plants

تقوم مجموعة Prins ببناء مشروع صوبة زراعية جديد تبلغ مساحته حوالي 47000 متر مربع في Honselersdijk. حوالي 5000 متر مربع من البناء ستكون بمثابة مساحة معالجة ، والتي سيتم تغطيتها بالكامل في الساندويتش.

سيتم استخدام 4.2 هكتار المتبقية كمساحة للزراعة. خارج البيت الزجاجي ، ستقوم Prins Group أيضًا بتركيب ثلاث شاشات أفقية ، واجهات مزدوجة اللفة والجملونات القابلة للطي.

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Project Florimond – France



Research center

Prins Group has conducted a very special project in France. The project consists of two small greenhouses with total area of approx. 1000 m². The greenhouses serve as research centers for seed breeding.

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مشروع Koningshooikt - Lier - بلجيكا



Pot plants

في Koningshooikt - Lier ، بلجيكا ، تقوم Prins Group ببناء مشروع دفيئة لمزارع نباتات خضراء. تبلغ مساحة المشروع 20000 متر مربع وسيتم تزويده بزجاج منتشر على السطح.

ستتم إضافة منشأة إلى البناء تسمح لنظام متقدم لمعالجة النبات بالمرور عبر الدفيئة.

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مشروع Papenburg - ألمانيا




حققت مجموعة Prins مشروع صوبة زجاجية في Papenburg بما في ذلك تركيب الشاشة. السطح مزود بزجاج منتشر.

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مشروع Idops - سلوفاكيا



Leafy greens

To supply the local market with fresh and high quality Leafy Greens, the client has decided to build a Venlo glass greenhouse in Slovakia. 

Ventilation windows mounted alternate at each side of the ridge, and all equipped with insect nettings. Walls fitted with 16 mm polycarbonate and partly fitted with 40 mm insulated panels. 

Double roof-screen system are necessary for this project, which is for the purposes of sun shading and energy saving. Vertical roll screens are also installed on the walls, to save more energy and keep a stable growing climate inside the greenhouse.

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